Human first, professional second.
It’s kind of like that age-old relationship philosophy: you must love yourself before you can love someone else. The same absolutely goes for the corporate world.
As soon as you stop putting your personal and professional health first, the people at home and the clients you serve suffer. (Seriously, try making pancakes while exhausted. You’ll see…)
That’s always been my work and management philosophy. I’ve never believed in resting on your laurels. When I’m on the job, I give and expect my employees to give 100% because, a) nothing that’s static grows, b) I want to hire people that are driven by growth.
Ethics are huge. Organizational mission and vision…just as huge. Personal and professional growth? They’ve all got to be a part of the deal.
As a manager, I personally invest in my team. I believe in hands-on workshops that allow employees to pull their potential from within, and I empower them to do the hard work to achieve goals that lie outside their current skill set.
Having worked in the emerging social media industry, daily learning isn’t optional. To be competitive, we must stretch our minds and our belief in what is possible.
*I received a certificate in Management Skills for New Supervisors from the American Management Association in 2014.